Best Love Quotations

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Love Quotes For Her

  • For the rest of my life, I will count each day with you well spent.
  • I don’t want anything from life except you are next to me.
  • I feel great lucky everyday when i’m with you.
  • For yesterday's memories, today's love, and tomorrow's dreams I love you.
  • I fell in love with you. Not for how you look, just for who you are.
  • If you only knew how much those little moments with you mattered to me.

  • Some say to know you is to love you. I say to know you is to be truly blessed.
  • I never knew how love could feel until I met you. I could never have imagined it.
  • Your love is the love spoken of in the classics. You inspire the poet’s pen.
  • All of me  loves all of you.
  • My life with you is something that I would never trade, even for all of the riches under Heaven.
  • I give you my heart with full intention, gratefully knowing that my life will never be the same, but much better.

  • Every day with you is one that brings great joy to my heart, and peace to my restless soul.
  • When I am troubled, I only need to think of you to ease my soul.
  • No greater light illuminates my path than the love you have brought into my life. Just a minute spent with you is better than a whole day of sunshine.
  • Just when I thought that I couldn’t be any happier, I see you, and that all changes once again.
  • Everything you do is a source of joy for me. I can never be sad when I’m around you.
  • Just seeing your face brightens even my darkest of days. Your light shines on all that I do.

  • To have you in my life is a blessing I could never deserve. You are the definition of grace.
  • Every day with you is better than the day before. How is it that you continuously improve upon perfection
  • I sleep as fast as I can, so I can hurry up and wake up next to you.
  • You are the first and last thing on my mind each and every day
  • All of the little things you do warm my heart. You are a constant source of joy in my life.
  • You give me hope in my times of trial, joy in my saddest hours and love in all I do.

  • There is no other woman in the world like you. I am the luckiest man alive to be able to call you mine.
  • Before you, I never believed in forever. Now, I know that is not long enough to spend with you.
  • While Heaven must surely mourn the loss of one of its own, we mere mortals celebrate your grace.
  • Without you in my life, I would be incomplete. I pray that I should never know such pain.
  • I smile every time I see you. When you return that smile to me, my heart overflows with joy.
  • There is no finer day than a day with you by my side. Thank you for all that you are.

  • I never thought I’d want to settle down, but you changed everything. I’m a better man with you in my life.
  • I’m flying high, because your love gives me wings. Let me build you a palace in the clouds.
  • I promise to always treat you like a queen. You reign over my heart, and your wish is my command.
  • Without you in my life, I would be incomplete. I pray that I should never know such pain.
  • I smile every time I see you. When you return that smile to me, my heart overflows with joy.
  • There is no finer day than a day with you by my side. Thank you for all that you are.

  • With every beat of my heart, I love you more and more. You’re the rhythm that keeps me steady on the march through life.I don’t have much to give you. I’m not a rich man. What I can promise is that everything I do will be for you, always.
  • All the blood, sweat, and tears will be worth it when I get to spend forever by your side.
  • You brighten each day with the love you bring. At night, the stars align to shine their light on you.
  • In this ever-changing world, you are the constant by which I measure my progress. I’d be lost without you.
  • Your love is like the lamp in the window that guides me home through the darkest night.