Best Love Quotations

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Love Quotes For Her

  • For the rest of my life, I will count each day with you well spent.
  • I don’t want anything from life except you are next to me.
  • I feel great lucky everyday when i’m with you.
  • For yesterday's memories, today's love, and tomorrow's dreams I love you.
  • I fell in love with you. Not for how you look, just for who you are.
  • If you only knew how much those little moments with you mattered to me.

  • Some say to know you is to love you. I say to know you is to be truly blessed.
  • I never knew how love could feel until I met you. I could never have imagined it.
  • Your love is the love spoken of in the classics. You inspire the poet’s pen.
  • All of me  loves all of you.
  • My life with you is something that I would never trade, even for all of the riches under Heaven.
  • I give you my heart with full intention, gratefully knowing that my life will never be the same, but much better.

  • Every day with you is one that brings great joy to my heart, and peace to my restless soul.
  • When I am troubled, I only need to think of you to ease my soul.
  • No greater light illuminates my path than the love you have brought into my life. Just a minute spent with you is better than a whole day of sunshine.
  • Just when I thought that I couldn’t be any happier, I see you, and that all changes once again.
  • Everything you do is a source of joy for me. I can never be sad when I’m around you.
  • Just seeing your face brightens even my darkest of days. Your light shines on all that I do.

  • To have you in my life is a blessing I could never deserve. You are the definition of grace.
  • Every day with you is better than the day before. How is it that you continuously improve upon perfection
  • I sleep as fast as I can, so I can hurry up and wake up next to you.
  • You are the first and last thing on my mind each and every day
  • All of the little things you do warm my heart. You are a constant source of joy in my life.
  • You give me hope in my times of trial, joy in my saddest hours and love in all I do.

  • There is no other woman in the world like you. I am the luckiest man alive to be able to call you mine.
  • Before you, I never believed in forever. Now, I know that is not long enough to spend with you.
  • While Heaven must surely mourn the loss of one of its own, we mere mortals celebrate your grace.
  • Without you in my life, I would be incomplete. I pray that I should never know such pain.
  • I smile every time I see you. When you return that smile to me, my heart overflows with joy.
  • There is no finer day than a day with you by my side. Thank you for all that you are.

  • I never thought I’d want to settle down, but you changed everything. I’m a better man with you in my life.
  • I’m flying high, because your love gives me wings. Let me build you a palace in the clouds.
  • I promise to always treat you like a queen. You reign over my heart, and your wish is my command.
  • Without you in my life, I would be incomplete. I pray that I should never know such pain.
  • I smile every time I see you. When you return that smile to me, my heart overflows with joy.
  • There is no finer day than a day with you by my side. Thank you for all that you are.

  • With every beat of my heart, I love you more and more. You’re the rhythm that keeps me steady on the march through life.I don’t have much to give you. I’m not a rich man. What I can promise is that everything I do will be for you, always.
  • All the blood, sweat, and tears will be worth it when I get to spend forever by your side.
  • You brighten each day with the love you bring. At night, the stars align to shine their light on you.
  • In this ever-changing world, you are the constant by which I measure my progress. I’d be lost without you.
  • Your love is like the lamp in the window that guides me home through the darkest night.

Cute Love Quotations

  • I’m happiest when I’m right next to you.
  • Love you without reason, for no reason I want you, need you also without reason,
  • but I know you are just the man I’m looking for love.
  • you have no idea how hard it is to force myself to stop thinking about you sometimes.
  • If I could be anything in the world I would want to be a teardrop because I would be born in your eyes,live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.

  • Now that i have you, i plan on keeping you too,I wonder if you smile when you hear my name like i do when i hear yours,Three simple words .. i love you . say it, mean it, and live by it.
  • In an internal There are many things I do not know why a spin in my mind,
  • but the only thing that I know why is found is you, I love you from my heart.
  • I fell in love with you because you loved me when i couldn’t love myself.
  • Do never happen to you to hurt smiling Someone else’s. Ever yours On that face who you will hope to see tears.Sorry I have nothing to give you. I forget my heart in him.And if I go to pick up I am scared that I will stay there forever.
  • You may make smile on her face, but other smile her heart. That is big difference.

    • I don’t care when am will die, all I care about I live the rest of my life with you
    • I want to tell you something interesting, I love you
    • You are next to me this enough for me
    • You will always be my love until I die
    • What if the real love appeared when you think that then is very early to take.
    • For real love is not talking about. For them we don’t tell anybody.
    • Life is too short, to repeat that big love.

    • One of the best thing in the life is when you are cold with the person who make you such.
    • Don’t call her. You don’t love her. You just hate the fact that you not exist for her.
    • He said to me, You are changed. But he is wrong he should tell me, You learn! At the end everyone get what deserves.
    • They don’t look tears what I shed. They don’t feel fears who I hid. But they still judge me.
    •  I am quit with this Coming, Going, Pending, Distant. I want something constantly Something secretly and worthwhile.
    • Don’t be scared from girl who scream to you, you should be scared from girl who silent.
    • You should fight for that you want, but just while that thing is worthwhile for that.

    • I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Please remember this…
    • Even if you have never talked to God in your life, do it, because God is always,
    • there for you and he will never give up on trying to win your heart to live for him.
    • I don’t want anything from life except you are next to me.
    • I feel great lucky everyday when i’m with you.
    • Don’t say you love me unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it.
    • Whatever the world moves us away your name will remain chiseled in my heart.
    • A relationship where you can sit around doing nothing, but still have fun cause you’re together = priceless.
    • If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I’m I had never lived without you.

    Best Love Quotations

    • Oh, you little girl, you stole my heart. To make it even, I will steal a kiss from you.
    • You are the inspiration behind all that I do, and the source of all that is good in my life.
    • Someone up there must be watching out for me, because they sent Heaven’s most beautiful angel into my life.
    • Kiss me. Hug me. Love me. The same quantity of those sweetest things I will return as soon as possible.
    • My gratitude for having met you is surpassed only by my amazement at the joy you bring to my life.
    • When you love me like that, I melt into honey. Let’s be sweet together.
    • Between us is one thread, it tied our hearts so we walk close to each other always.
    • In my hands is this heart. I want you to have it, because I’m so clumsy, so I’m afraid I’ll lose it or easily give it to someone else.
    • You are the only air I breathe. You are ticking in my heart like a little clock.
    • Yes, you wake me up every day, while I fall asleep dreaming of the days when I was alone. No longer am I in such a way.
    • Two hearts ran to the end of the world. They recognized each other’s eyes at the final border of the end and infinity. In that particular moment, they hugged each other. No one dares to separate them.
    •  I love you with the breath, the smiles and the tears of all my life
    • You beautiful woman of my life, you took it all from me. I took it all from you. So today, we can blackmail each other.
    • Can anything be more valuable than our love? Since you are with me, my only measurement is in heartbeats.
    • If you dare, take my hand and take me to where your heart is. I want to feel what it’s like to love like you.
    • The first time I saw you, my heart whispered “that’s the one”
    • You will forever be my always. Sometimes, I knock on the doors of your heart, just to make sure I still live there.
    • You’re still a little kitten that looks at my eyes, wanting love in this cold world.
    • I wake up every morning with the excitement of a child on Christmas Day, just knowing that I’m with you.
    • My love for you knows no boundaries. You are the reason behind everything that is good in my life.
    • Words cannot express all that you mean to me. May you somehow just know that which I cannot explain.
    • All my days with you are days worth living. I’ve forgotten what it feels like to be alone.